Solving the Mysterious Case of the Missing Library: “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” Not Found During Build with Ninja
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Solving the Mysterious Case of the Missing Library: “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” Not Found During Build with Ninja

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Are you tired of staring at the cryptic error message “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” not found during build with Ninja? Well, put away your detective hat, because we’re about to unwrap the mystery and provide you with the solution to this pesky issue. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of wxWidgets, CMake, and MSYS2, and guide you through the troubleshooting process to get your build up and running smoothly.

What’s the Issue?

The error message “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” not found during build with Ninja typically indicates that the linker is unable to find the wxWidgets library. This can occur when you’re attempting to build a project that utilizes wxWidgets, a cross-platform GUI library, using CMake as the build system and MSYS2 as the development environment.

Why Does This Happen?

There are several reasons why this issue might arise:

  • Incorrect installation or configuration of wxWidgets
  • Inconsistent versioning between wxWidgets and the project
  • Improper setup of the build environment and toolchain
  • Missing or corrupted library files


Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have the following installed:

  • MSYS2 (with the mingw-w64-x86_64 toolchain)
  • CMake (version 3.10 or higher)
  • wxWidgets (version 3.2 or higher)

Verify wxWidgets Installation

Open a terminal in your MSYS2 environment and run the following command to verify that wxWidgets is installed correctly:

$ wx-config --version

If wxWidgets is not installed or not properly configured, you’ll need to reinstall or reconfigure it. You can find the installation instructions for wxWidgets on their official website.

Solution 1: Check the CMake Cache

Sometimes, the issue can be resolved by clearing the CMake cache and re-running the configuration step. To do this:

  1. Delete the `CMakeCache.txt` file from your build directory
  2. Re-run CMake by executing the following command in your terminal:
    $ cmake ..

This will recreate the cache and re-configure your project. If the issue persists, proceed to the next step.

Solution 2: Update the wxWidgets Path in CMake

Ensure that the wxWidgets path is correctly specified in your CMakeLists.txt file. You can do this by adding the following lines:

set(wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR "C:/wxWidgets-3.2.0/lib/gcc_lib/mswu")
set(wxWidgets_LIB_DIR "${wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR}/lib")
set(wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIR "${wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR}/include")

Replace `C:/wxWidgets-3.2.0` with the actual path to your wxWidgets installation.

Update CMake to Find wxWidgets

Update your CMakeLists.txt file to include the following lines:

find_package(wxWidgets 3.2 REQUIRED COMPONENTS mswu)

This will instruct CMake to search for wxWidgets version 3.2 and its mswu component.

Solution 3: Specify the Library Path in CMake

In some cases, you may need to explicitly specify the library path in your CMakeLists.txt file. Add the following lines:


This will inform the linker to look for the wxWidgets library in the specified directory.

Solution 4: Use the Correct Compiler and Toolchain

Ensure that you’re using the correct compiler and toolchain for your project. In your CMakeLists.txt file, add the following lines:

set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/gcc.exe")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/g++.exe")

Replace `C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/gcc.exe` and `C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/g++.exe` with the actual paths to your GCC compiler and G++ compiler, respectively.

Solution 5: Verify the Library Files

Make sure that the wxWidgets library files are present in the correct location. Check that the following files exist:

  • `libwx_mswu-3.2.a` in `C:/wxWidgets-3.2.0/lib/gcc_lib/mswu/lib`
  • `wx/setup.h` in `C:/wxWidgets-3.2.0/include/wx`

If the files are missing or corrupted, reinstall wxWidgets or copy the files from a working installation.


By following these steps and solutions, you should be able to resolve the “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” not found during build with Ninja issue. Remember to verify your wxWidgets installation, update the CMake cache, specify the correct paths, and use the appropriate compiler and toolchain. If you’re still encountering issues, don’t hesitate to seek help from the wxWidgets community or online forums.

Happy building!

Issue Solution
“libwx_mswu-3.2.a” not found during build with Ninja
  • Verify wxWidgets installation
  • Check CMake cache
  • Update wxWidgets path in CMake
  • Specify library path in CMake
  • Use correct compiler and toolchain
  • Verify library files

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about the issue with wxWidgets, CMake, and MSYS2: “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” not found during build with Ninja.

What is the main issue I’m facing with wxWidgets, CMake, and MSYS2?

The main issue is that the file “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” is not found during the build process with Ninja, which is causing errors and preventing the successful compilation of your project.

Why is the “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” file not found?

The file “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” is not found because it’s not installed or not properly configured in your system. This file is part of the wxWidgets library, and it’s required for building projects that use wxWidgets.

How do I fix the issue with the missing “libwx_mswu-3.2.a” file?

To fix the issue, you need to install wxWidgets and make sure it’s properly configured in your system. You can install wxWidgets using pacman in MSYS2 by running the command “pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-wxWidgets”. Then, make sure you have the correct path to the wxWidgets library in your CMakeLists.txt file.

What is the role of CMake in this issue?

CMake is a build system generator that’s used to generate build files for your project. In this case, CMake is used to generate the build files for Ninja, which are then used to compile your project. CMake plays a crucial role in finding and linking the required libraries, including wxWidgets, during the build process.

What is MSYS2, and how does it relate to this issue?

MSYS2 is a software distribution that provides a Unix-like environment for Windows. It’s used to build and run many open-source projects, including wxWidgets. In this issue, MSYS2 is used to install and configure wxWidgets, which is then used by CMake and Ninja to build your project.

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