Why BLoCProvider is Not Updating the State of the UI?
Image by Serenity - hkhazo.biz.id

Why BLoCProvider is Not Updating the State of the UI?

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Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your BLoCProvider is not updating the state of your UI? Well, you’re not alone! This is a common issue that many Flutter developers face, and it’s often due to a few simple mistakes. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of BLoC and explore the reasons why your BLoCProvider might not be updating the state of your UI.

What is BLoCProvider?

BLoCProvider is a widget that provides a BLoC (Business Logic Component) instance to its descendant widgets. It’s a way to share a BLoC instance across multiple widgets, making it easy to manage state and business logic in your Flutter app.

  create: (context) => MyBloc(),
  child: MyApp(),

Why is My BLoCProvider Not Updating the State of the UI?

There are several reasons why your BLoCProvider might not be updating the state of your UI. Let’s explore some of the most common reasons:

Reason 1: Incorrect BLoCProvider Implementation

One of the most common mistakes is implementing the BLoCProvider incorrectly. Make sure you’re providing the BLoC instance to the correct widget tree.

// Incorrect implementation
  create: (context) => MyBloc(),

// Correct implementation
  title: 'My App',
  home: BlocProvider>MyBloc>(
    create: (context) => MyBloc(),
    child: MyApp(),

Reason 2: Not Wrapping the MaterialApp with BlocProvider

Another common mistake is not wrapping the MaterialApp with the BlocProvider. This is a must-do, as it ensures that the BLoC instance is provided to all descendant widgets.

// Incorrect implementation
  title: 'My App',
  home: MyApp(),

// Correct implementation
  create: (context) => MyBloc(),
  child: MaterialApp(
    title: 'My App',
    home: MyApp(),

Reason 3: Not Listening to the BLoC State

Make sure you’re listening to the BLoC state using a BlocBuilder or BlocListener. This is how you notify the UI to rebuild when the state changes.

// Incorrect implementation
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Text('Hello World!');

// Correct implementation
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return BlocBuilder<MyBloc, MyState>(
    builder: (context, state) {
      return Text(state.message);

Reason 4: Not Updating the BLoC State

Ensure that you’re updating the BLoC state correctly using the `addEvent` method. This notifies the BLoC to rebuild the UI with the new state.

// Incorrect implementation
MyBloc _bloc = MyBloc();

void _onButtonPressed() {
  _bloc.state = MyState(message: 'Hello World!');

// Correct implementation
MyBloc _bloc = MyBloc();

void _onButtonPressed() {
  _bloc.addEvent(UpdateMessageEvent('Hello World!'));

Reason 5: Not Disposing the BLoC Instance

Failing to dispose the BLoC instance can lead to memory leaks and unexpected behavior. Make sure to dispose the BLoC instance when it’s no longer needed.

void dispose() {

How to Debug BLoCProvider Issues

Debugging BLoCProvider issues can be challenging, but there are a few techniques to help you identify the problem:

Technique 1: Use the BlocProvider Debugger

The BlocProvider debugger is a built-in tool that allows you to visualize the BLoC instance and its state. To enable the debugger, add the following code to your `main` function:

void main() {
    () {
    blocObserver: MyBlocObserver(),

Technique 2: Use the Flutter Debugger

The Flutter debugger is a powerful tool that allows you to step through your code and inspect variables. Use the debugger to identify where the issue is occurring.

Technique 3: Print Debug Messages

Printing debug messages can help you identify where the issue is occurring. Add print statements to your code to see what’s happening when you interact with the UI.

void _onButtonPressed() {
  print('Button pressed!');
  _bloc.addEvent(UpdateMessageEvent('Hello World!'));
  print('Event added!');

Best Practices for Using BLoCProvider

To avoid common issues with BLoCProvider, follow these best practices:

  • Use a single BLoC instance per feature or screen.
  • Wrap the MaterialApp with the BlocProvider.
  • Use a BlocBuilder or BlocListener to listen to the BLoC state.
  • Update the BLoC state using the `addEvent` method.
  • Dispose the BLoC instance when it’s no longer needed.
  • Use the BlocProvider debugger to visualize the BLoC instance and its state.


In conclusion, BLoCProvider is a powerful tool for managing state and business logic in your Flutter app. However, it can be tricky to use correctly. By following the best practices and debugging techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and maintainable apps with BLoCProvider. Remember, the key to success is to provide the BLoC instance to the correct widget tree, listen to the BLoC state, update the BLoC state correctly, and dispose the BLoC instance when it’s no longer needed.

Reason Solution
Incorrect BLoCProvider implementation Implement the BLoCProvider correctly, providing the BLoC instance to the correct widget tree.
Not wrapping the MaterialApp with BlocProvider Wrap the MaterialApp with the BlocProvider to ensure the BLoC instance is provided to all descendant widgets.
Not listening to the BLoC state Use a BlocBuilder or BlocListener to listen to the BLoC state and notify the UI to rebuild when the state changes.
Not updating the BLoC state Update the BLoC state using the `addEvent` method to notify the BLoC to rebuild the UI with the new state.
Not disposing the BLoC instance Dispose the BLoC instance when it’s no longer needed to avoid memory leaks and unexpected behavior.

By following these best practices and debugging techniques, you’ll be able to identify and solve common issues with BLoCProvider, creating a robust and maintainable app with a seamless UI experience.

Final Thoughts

BLoCProvider is a powerful tool for managing state and business logic in your Flutter app. By understanding the common pitfalls and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and maintainable apps with a seamless UI experience. Remember, the key to success is to provide the BLoC instance to the correct widget tree, listen to the BLoC state, update the BLoC state correctly, and dispose the BLoC instance when it’s no longer needed.

So, the next time you’re struggling with BLoCProvider, take a deep breath, and remember: it’s not you, it’s BLoCProvider!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck in the updating state of the UI with BlocProvider? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is the BlocProvider not updating the state of the UI when I emit a new state?

Ah-ha! This might be because you’re not using the `BlocProvider` correctly. Make sure you’re wrapping your `MaterialApp` with the `BlocProvider` and passing the correct `Bloc` instance. Also, ensure that you’re using the `BlocBuilder` or `BlocListener` to rebuild the UI when the state changes.

Do I need to call `setState` when using BlocProvider?

Nope! When using `BlocProvider`, you don’t need to call `setState` explicitly. The `BlocBuilder` or `BlocListener` will take care of rebuilding the UI when the state changes. Just make sure to emit a new state in your `Bloc` and let the `BlocProvider` handle the rest!

Why is the UI not updating even after emitting a new state?

Hmm, this could be due to several reasons. First, check if you’re emitting the new state correctly in your `Bloc`. Then, verify that you’re using the correct `Bloc` instance in your `BlocProvider`. Finally, make sure that you’re not accidentally creating a new `Bloc` instance instead of using the one provided by the `BlocProvider`.

Can I use `BlocProvider` with a `Riverpod` or `Provider`?

While you can use `BlocProvider` with `Riverpod` or `Provider`, it’s not recommended. `BlocProvider` is designed to work specifically with the `Bloc` framework. Using it with other state management libraries might lead to conflicts and unexpected behavior. Stick to one state management solution to avoid headaches!

How do I debug issues with BlocProvider and state updates?

Debugging issues can be a pain! To debug state updates with `BlocProvider`, use the `BlocListener` to print out the state changes. You can also use the Flutter Debugger or a package like `flutter_bloc_extensions` to visualize the state changes. If all else fails, try recreating the issue in a minimal reproduction example to isolate the problem.

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