Unraveling the Mystery: PostgreSQL Query with ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET
Image by Serenity - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: PostgreSQL Query with ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET

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Have you ever encountered an issue where your PostgreSQL query consistently returns the same record at the end of the result set, regardless of the OFFSET value? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PostgreSQL and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the fascinating realm of SQL queries!

The Scenario: ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET

Imagine you’re working on a web application that displays a list of products, and you want to implement pagination. You use a PostgreSQL query with ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET to fetch a specific set of records. The query might look something like this:

FROM products
ORDER BY created_at DESC

The intention is to retrieve 10 records, starting from the 20th record, ordered by the `created_at` column in descending order. However, to your surprise, the query consistently returns the same record at the end of the result set, regardless of the OFFSET value. What’s going on?

The Culprit: ORDER BY and Tie-Breaking

The issue lies in the way PostgreSQL handles ORDER BY and tie-breaking. When using ORDER BY, PostgreSQL uses a stable sort algorithm, which means that if two rows have the same sorting key (in this case, `created_at`), the row with the smaller `ctid` (physical row identifier) is considered “smaller” and comes first in the sorted order.

This becomes problematic when combining ORDER BY with LIMIT and OFFSET. The LIMIT clause limits the number of rows returned, but it doesn’t affect the sorting order. The OFFSET clause, on the other hand, skips a specified number of rows before returning the remaining rows. However, since the sorting order is stable, the row with the smallest `ctid` among the tied rows will always be returned at the end of the result set, regardless of the OFFSET value.

Tie-Breaking and the Role of ctid

To understand why this happens, let’s examine a sample data set:

id created_at ctid
1 2022-01-01 10:00:00 16384
2 2022-01-01 10:00:00 16385
3 2022-01-01 10:00:00 16386
4 2022-01-01 10:00:01 16387
5 2022-01-01 10:00:01 16388

In this example, rows 1, 2, and 3 have the same `created_at` value, which means they are tied. The `ctid` column, which represents the physical row identifier, breaks the tie, and row 1 is considered “smaller” than rows 2 and 3 due to its smaller `ctid`. When using LIMIT and OFFSET, the query will always return row 1 at the end of the result set, regardless of the OFFSET value.

Solutions and Workarounds

Now that we understand the cause of the issue, let’s explore some solutions and workarounds:

1. Use a Unique Column for Tie-Breaking

One approach is to use a unique column, such as the primary key, to break ties. Modify the ORDER BY clause to include the unique column:

FROM products
ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC

In this example, we added the `id` column to the ORDER BY clause, which ensures that the query returns a stable and consistent result set.

2. Use the ROW_NUMBER() Function

Another solution is to use the ROW_NUMBER() function, introduced in PostgreSQL 8.4, to assign a unique row number to each row:

WITH ranked_products AS (
  SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS row_num
  FROM products
FROM ranked_products
WHERE row_num BETWEEN 21 AND 30;

This approach assigns a unique row number to each row, allowing you to paginate the result set correctly.

3. Use the OFFSET-FETCH Clause

PostgreSQL 13 introduced the OFFSET-FETCH clause, which allows you to specify an offset and a fetch count in a single clause:

FROM products
ORDER BY created_at DESC

This syntax is more concise and efficient than using the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses separately.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind the mysterious phenomenon of PostgreSQL queries with ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET consistently returning the same record at the end of the result set. By understanding the role of tie-breaking and the `ctid` column, we can employ workarounds and solutions to ensure consistent and correct pagination in our applications. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your specific use case, and happy querying!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing questions about PostgreSQL queries with ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET

Why does my query consistently return the same record at the end of the result set, regardless of the OFFSET value?

This behavior occurs because the ORDER BY clause is not stable, meaning it doesn’t guarantee a consistent ordering when there are multiple rows with the same values. To fix this, use a stable sort by adding a unique column to the ORDER BY clause, such as an ID or a timestamp.

How do I ensure that my query returns a consistent result set when using ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET?

To ensure consistency, always include a unique column in the ORDER BY clause, and make sure that the column is indexed. This will guarantee a stable sort and prevent the query from returning the same record at the end of the result set.

Can I use a random column in the ORDER BY clause to avoid this issue?

No, using a random column in the ORDER BY clause is not a reliable solution. This approach can lead to unpredictable results and may not fix the issue consistently. Instead, use a unique and indexed column to ensure a stable sort.

What happens if I use a non-unique column in the ORDER BY clause with LIMIT and OFFSET?

When using a non-unique column in the ORDER BY clause with LIMIT and OFFSET, the query may return inconsistent results, including the same record at the end of the result set. This occurs because PostgreSQL is free to return any row that satisfies the conditions, which can lead to unexpected behavior.

How can I optimize my query to avoid performance issues when using ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET?

To optimize your query, create an index on the column used in the ORDER BY clause, and consider using a covering index if possible. Additionally, use a reasonable LIMIT value to reduce the amount of data being sorted, and avoid using functions or expressions in the ORDER BY clause.

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