Problem with @ConfigProperty in null when using a process in Apache Camel Quarkus: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
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Problem with @ConfigProperty in null when using a process in Apache Camel Quarkus: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you tired of struggling with the infamous “null” issue when using @ConfigProperty in Apache Camel Quarkus? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Quarkus and Camel, exploring the common pitfalls and providing clear, step-by-step solutions to get your configuration properties up and running.

What is @ConfigProperty and why do I need it?

In Quarkus, @ConfigProperty is an annotation used to inject configuration values into your application. It’s a powerful feature that allows you to externalize configuration, making it easy to manage and update your application’s settings.

By using @ConfigProperty, you can decouple your application’s configuration from the code, making it more flexible and scalable. But, as we’ll see later, things can get tricky when using it with Apache Camel.

The Problem: @ConfigProperty returns null when using a process in Apache Camel Quarkus

So, you’ve tried to inject a configuration property using @ConfigProperty, but it returns null when you try to access it within a Camel process. You’ve checked the configuration files, ensured the property is there, and even tried debugging, but nothing seems to work.

This issue is more common than you think, and it’s not due to a lack of coffee or a missing piece of code. The culprit lies in the way Quarkus and Camel interact, and we’ll explore the reasons behind this behavior.

Reason 1: Quarkus and Camel have different lifecycles

In Quarkus, the application configuration is loaded during the application startup, whereas Camel routes are created lazily, on-demand. This means that when Camel creates a new instance of your processor, the Quarkus configuration might not be fully loaded yet.

This mismatch in lifecycles can lead to @ConfigProperty returning null, as the configuration is not yet available when the Camel processor is created.

Reason 2: Camel’s threading model and Quarkus’s singleton scope

Camel uses a multi-threaded model to process messages, which means that each thread has its own instance of your processor. Quarkus, on the other hand, uses a singleton scope for its beans, including those annotated with @ConfigProperty.

When Camel creates a new thread to process a message, it creates a new instance of your processor, which is not aware of the Quarkus singleton scope. This results in @ConfigProperty returning null, as the new instance doesn’t have access to the Quarkus configuration.

Solution 1: Using @Singleton scope for your processor

To overcome the limitations described above, you can annotate your processor with @Singleton, ensuring that it’s created only once and shared across all threads.

public class MyProcessor {
    @ConfigProperty(name = "")
    String myProperty;

    public void process(Exchange exchange) {
        // Use myProperty here

By using @Singleton, you ensure that your processor is created only once, and the Quarkus configuration is fully loaded when the processor is created.

Solution 2: Using a Quarkus-aware Camel route

Another approach is to create a Quarkus-aware Camel route, using the Quarkus-provided Camel extensions. These extensions allow you to work directly with Quarkus’s configuration and beans.

public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
    @ConfigProperty(name = "")
    String myProperty;

    public void configure() {
            .process(new MyProcessor(myProperty))

By using a Quarkus-aware Camel route, you can inject the configuration property directly into your route builder, which is then shared with the Camel processor.

Solution 3: Using a ConfigurationProvider

A third approach is to use a ConfigurationProvider, which allows you to inject the configuration property manually.

public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
    ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider;

    public void configure() {
        String myProperty = configurationProvider.getConfigProperty("");
            .process(new MyProcessor(myProperty))

By using a ConfigurationProvider, you can manually inject the configuration property into your route builder, ensuring it’s available when the Camel processor is created.


In this article, we’ve explored the common issues surrounding @ConfigProperty when using Apache Camel with Quarkus. We’ve discussed the reasons behind the “null” issue and provided three comprehensive solutions to overcome it.

Whether you choose to use @Singleton scope for your processor, a Quarkus-aware Camel route, or a ConfigurationProvider, you’ll be able to inject configuration properties seamlessly into your Camel processor.

Remember, troubleshooting is an art, and with the right tools and understanding, you can overcome even the most daunting issues.

Additional Resources

Still struggling with @ConfigProperty or have more questions? Share your experiences and ask for help in the comments below!

Solution Description
Using @Singleton scope Annotate your processor with @Singleton to ensure it’s created only once and shared across all threads.
Using a Quarkus-aware Camel route Create a Quarkus-aware Camel route using the Quarkus-provided Camel extensions, allowing you to work directly with Quarkus’s configuration and beans.
Using a ConfigurationProvider Inject the configuration property manually using a ConfigurationProvider, ensuring it’s available when the Camel processor is created.

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering @ConfigProperty in Apache Camel Quarkus. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get quick answers to common problems with @ConfigProperty in Apache Camel Quarkus!

Why is my @ConfigProperty returning null when using a process in Apache Camel Quarkus?

This might happen because the configuration properties are not injected properly. Make sure you have enabled the config properties in your or application.yml file, and also check that you have annotated your config class with @ConfigProperties. If you’re still facing issues, try to inject the ConfigProperty using the @Inject annotation.

How do I troubleshoot the @ConfigProperty issue in Apache Camel Quarkus?

Start by checking the application logs for any errors or warnings related to configuration property injection. Then, verify that your configuration properties are correctly defined in your application configuration files. You can also try to debug your application by setting breakpoints in your code to see if the config properties are being injected correctly. If none of these steps help, try to create a minimal, reproducible example to isolate the issue.

Can I use @ConfigProperty with a custom config class in Apache Camel Quarkus?

Yes, you can! To use a custom config class with @ConfigProperty, you need to annotate your config class with @ConfigProperties and specify the prefix for your custom properties. Then, you can inject the config properties using the @Inject annotation. Make sure to register your custom config class in your application configuration, and also define the custom properties in your application configuration files.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when using @ConfigProperty in Apache Camel Quarkus?

Some common pitfalls to avoid include not enabling config properties in the application configuration, not annotating the config class with @ConfigProperties, and not defining the custom properties in the application configuration files. Additionally, make sure to use the correct annotation, @ConfigProperty, and not @Value, which is used for Spring-based applications.

Are there any performance implications when using @ConfigProperty in Apache Camel Quarkus?

The performance impact of using @ConfigProperty in Apache Camel Quarkus is usually negligible. However, if you have a large number of config properties, it might affect the startup time of your application. To minimize the impact, you can use lazy initialization or caching for your config properties. Additionally, make sure to optimize your configuration files and avoid using complex computations in your config classes.

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