How to Remove Space from SVG File in PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Remove Space from SVG File in PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with bulky SVG files that are taking up too much space? Do you want to optimize your SVG files for web use, but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to remove space from SVG files in PHP, using simple and efficient techniques. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to optimize your SVG files like a pro and reduce their file size by up to 90%!

What’s the Problem with SVG Files?

SVG files are a popular choice for web designers and developers due to their scalability and flexibility. However, they can often become bloated and take up too much space, leading to slower load times and decreased performance. This is often due to unnecessary whitespace and redundant code within the SVG file.

Why Remove Space from SVG Files?

Removing space from SVG files is essential for several reasons:

  • Faster Load Times: Optimized SVG files load faster, resulting in a better user experience.
  • Reduced File Size: Smaller file sizes mean less bandwidth usage and lower storage costs.
  • Improved Performance: Optimized SVG files improve the overall performance of your website or application.

Using PHP to Remove Space from SVG Files

PHP is a popular programming language used for web development. In this guide, we’ll use PHP to remove space from SVG files. Don’t worry if you’re not a PHP expert – we’ll break it down into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Method 1: Using the `DOMDocument` Class

The `DOMDocument` class in PHP allows us to parse and manipulate XML and HTML documents, including SVG files. We’ll use this class to remove unnecessary whitespace and redundant code from our SVG file.

-dom = new DOMDocument();
-svg = $dom->loadXML(file_get_contents('input.svg'));
-file_put_contents('output.svg', $svg->saveXML());

In the code above, we create a new instance of the `DOMDocument` class and load the SVG file using the `loadXML` method. We then call the `removeSpace` function to remove the unnecessary whitespace and redundant code. Finally, we save the optimized SVG file using the `saveXML` method.

Method 2: Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for pattern matching and string manipulation. We can use regex to remove whitespace and redundant code from our SVG file.

-svg = file_get_contents('input.svg');
-svg = preg_replace('/>\s*</,', '><', $svg);
-svg = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $svg);
-file_put_contents('output.svg', $svg);

In the code above, we use two regex patterns to remove unnecessary whitespace and redundant code from our SVG file. The first pattern replaces multiple consecutive whitespace characters with a single space, while the second pattern removes leading and trailing whitespace characters.

Using Online Tools to Remove Space from SVG Files

If you’re not comfortable using PHP or prefer a more visual approach, there are several online tools available that can help you remove space from SVG files.

Tool Description
SVGO A popular online tool for optimizing SVG files, removing unnecessary code and reducing file size.
SVGOMG A GUI-based tool for optimizing SVG files, with options for removing whitespace, compressing files, and more.
Tinypng A online tool for compressing images, including SVG files, using advanced algorithms and techniques.

These online tools are easy to use and require no programming knowledge. Simply upload your SVG file, select the optimization options, and download the optimized file.

Best Practices for Working with SVG Files

To ensure optimal performance and file size, follow these best practices when working with SVG files:

  1. Use a single, centralized coordinate system: Avoid using multiple coordinate systems in your SVG file, as this can lead to unnecessary code and increased file size.
  2. Remove unnecessary attributes and elements: Remove any unnecessary attributes and elements from your SVG file, such as unused styles or redundant code.
  3. Use compression algorithms: Use compression algorithms, such as gzip or Brotli, to reduce file size and improve performance.
  4. Optimize SVG sprites: If you’re using SVG sprites, ensure they are optimized for performance and file size.


Removing space from SVG files in PHP is a simple yet effective way to optimize your files for web use. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to reduce file size, improve performance, and enhance the overall user experience. Remember to follow best practices when working with SVG files, and don’t hesitate to use online tools if you prefer a more visual approach. Happy optimizing!

Here is the output:

Frequently Asked Questions

SVG files can be a real hassle when it comes to unnecessary spaces, but fear not! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions on how to remove spaces from SVG files in PHP.

What’s the easiest way to remove spaces from an SVG file in PHP?

One of the simplest ways to remove spaces from an SVG file in PHP is by using the `str_replace` function. This function replaces a specified string with another string. In this case, you can use it to replace all the spaces in your SVG file with an empty string.

How can I remove spaces from an SVG file using PHP’s DOMDocument?

You can use PHP’s DOMDocument to parse the SVG file and remove spaces from it. First, load the SVG file into a DOMDocument object, then use a recursive function to traverse the document and remove any text nodes that contain only whitespace. Finally, save the modified document back to an SVG file.

Can I use a regular expression to remove spaces from an SVG file in PHP?

Yes, you can use a regular expression to remove spaces from an SVG file in PHP. The regex pattern `\s+` matches one or more whitespace characters. You can use the `preg_replace` function to replace all occurrences of this pattern with an empty string, effectively removing all spaces from the SVG file.

How do I remove spaces from an SVG file without breaking its structure?

When removing spaces from an SVG file, it’s essential to avoid breaking its structure. To do this, make sure to only remove spaces from the text content of elements, and not from the element names or attributes. You can use a library like SVG Sanitizer to help you safely remove spaces from your SVG files.

Are there any PHP libraries that can help me remove spaces from SVG files?

Yes, there are several PHP libraries that can help you remove spaces from SVG files. One popular option is Sabberworm, a PHP SVG parser and serializer. You can use this library to parse the SVG file, remove spaces, and then serialize it back to a string.